We love what we do. That’s working with farmers, ranchers and forest landowners like you to start, expand, enhance, or improve your agricultural operations. We work with you in many different ways, from in-person visits in our more than 2,300 USDA Service Centers across the country to our self-service applications that connect you with us online.
Program Eligibility and Deadlines
View resources that help you manage the business side of farming such as required reporting, forms, program deadlines, and how to pass on your land to the next generation.

USDA Service Centers
The Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) have local offices at USDA Service Centers across the country. Contact your Service Center to set up an in-person or phone appointment.
Online Services
Farmers.gov offers an authenticated portal where you can manage your business online. Right now, a number of features are available for producers participating in conservation programs or who have farm loans. USDA also offers resources for you to securely access, sign, and share documents online with Service Center staff, no software download or eAuthentication account required.

Get Involved in Your Community
We rely on the expertise of agricultural producers to help us develop programs and offer services that best suit local needs. Your relationships with other producers in your community help us expand our reach to ensure all farmers, ranchers and forest landowners have access to available USDA programs. We encourage you to get involved, either through Farm Service Agency County Committees or Conservation Districts.
Plans provide important roadmaps for agricultural operations. Business plans are required to apply for farm loans, and your Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan team will review your business plan and assist you in translating your plan and farm vision to your application.
Meanwhile, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides one-on-one assistance in developing a conservation plan, regardless of your participation in USDA conservation programs. This plan identifies your business and conservation goals for your land, and it assists us in recommending conservation practices that may be a good fit for you and your operation.
USDA offers a variety of farm and commodity loans, disaster assistance, conservation, safety net, price support and crop insurance programs. Certain programs work best for certain types of operations – row crops, specialty crops, livestock, and forests.
We also have programs designed to support producers of different backgrounds, including beginning farmers and ranchers as well as those who are socially disadvantaged, military veterans, or low income.
Tools for Farmers
We also offer tools to help walk you through our programs and services:
H-2A Temporary Visa Program
We provide support for the H-2A temporary visa program, which helps American farmers fill employment gaps by hiring workers from other countries. You can learn more about H-2A visas on farmers.gov, including creating a personal checklist, estimating costs, and checking the approval status of your cases.
Your Rights
While we strive to provide the best customer service, if you feel we’ve fallen short, we want to make sure you’re aware of your options.
If you receive an adverse program decision from the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Risk Management Agency, or other USDA agency, you can file an appeal request. This includes if you were turned down for a farm loan, denied program payments, or denied assistance. You can learn more at nad.usda.gov or by calling 1-800-541-0457.
If you believe you experienced discrimination when obtaining services from USDA or a program that receives financial assistance from USDA, you can file a complaint with USDA. The Center for Civil Rights Enforcement will investigate and resolve complaints of discrimination in programs operated or assisted by USDA. To file a program discrimination complaint, you may obtain a complaint form by sending an email to OAC@usda.gov.
Find Your Local Service Center
Los Centros de Servicio de USDA son lugares donde usted podrá contactarse con la Agencia de Servicios Agrícolas (FSA), el Servicio de Conservación de Recursos Naturales (NRCS), o empleados de Desarrollo Rural para discutir las necesidades de su negocio. Ingrese el estado y condado donde vive en el buscador para encontrar el Centro de Servicio más cercano y las oficinas de las agencias mencionadas. Si este buscador no funciona en su navegador web, por favor visite la página offices.usda.gov
Visite la página web de la Agencia de Gestión de Riesgos (RMA) para encontrar una oficina regional o de cumplimiento o para encontrar al agente de seguros más cercano.
Para obtener material traducido en español, revise nuestra página web de Traducciones, busque su centro de servicio local o informe a un empleado.