
[Archived] CFAP 2: Eligible and Ineligible Commodities

Has your operation been directly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic? USDA is implementing updates to the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program for producers of agricultural commodities marketed in 2020 who faced market disruptions due to COVID-19. This is part of a larger initiative to improve USDA pandemic assistance to producers.

[This page has been archived.] The signup period for USDA’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 (CFAP 2) is closed. USDA’s Farm Service Agency re-opened CFAP 2 signup beginning April 5, 2021. Signup closed on October 12, 2021.

Eligible Commodities for CFAP 2

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced on March 24 the U.S. Department of Agriculture will begin providing additional financial assistance to farmers, ranchers, and producers impacted by COVID-19 market disruptions. Resources for these payments were approved by Congress in fiscal years 2020 and 2021.

The original application period for CFAP 2 was September 21 through December 11, 2020. USDA re-opened CFAP 2 signup for all eligible producers beginning April 5, 2021, and will accept applications through October 12, 2021. Learn more at

CFAP 2 payments will be made for four categories of commodities – Price Trigger Commodities, Flat-Rate Crops, Sales Commodities, and Livestock and Poultry Produced Under Contract. Eligible commodities for each category are outlined below.

Price Trigger Commodities

Price trigger commodities are major commodities that meet a minimum five-percent price decline over a specified period of time. Price trigger commodities eligible for CFAP 2 are outlined below.

  • Broilers and eggs
  • Crops: barley, corn, sorghum, soybeans, sunflowers, upland cotton, and all classes of wheat.
  • Dairy (cow’s milk)
  • Livestock: beef cattle, hogs and pigs, and lambs and sheep. Breeding stock not raised under contract are not eligible for CFAP 2.

Flat-Rate Crops

Flat-rate crops either do not meet the five-percent price decline trigger or do not have data available to calculate a price change.

Flat-rate crops include: alfalfa, amaranth grain, buckwheat, canola, Extra Long Staple (ELS) cotton, crambe (colewort), einkorn, emmer, flax, guar, hemp, indigo, industrial rice, kenaf, khorasan, millet, mustard, oats, peanuts, quinoa, rapeseed, rice, sweet rice, wild rice, rye, safflower, sesame, speltz, sugar beets, sugarcane, teff, and triticale.

Sales Commodities

Sales commodities eligible for CFAP 2 include specialty crops, aquaculture, nursery crops and floriculture, and other commodities not included in the price trigger and flat-rate payment categories.

Sales commodities eligible for CFAP 2 are outlined below.

  • Aquaculture:
    • Any species of aquatic organisms grown as food for human consumption
    • Fish raised as feed for fish that are consumed by humans
    • Ornamental fish propagated and reared in an aquatic medium.
    • Eligible aquaculture species must be raised by a commercial operator and in water in a controlled environment. This includes molluscan shellfish and seaweed that was previously covered under the U.S. Department of Commerce program.
  • Dairy (goat's milk)
  • Grass Seed
  • Floriculture and Nursery Crops:
    • Cactus
    • Christmas trees
    • Floriculture – Cut flowers and cut greenery from annual and perennial flowering plants grown in a container or controlled environment for commercial sale.
    • Nursery crops – Decorative or nondecorative plants grown in a container or controlled environment for commercial sale.
  • Pullets
  • Specialty Crops: More than 230 fruit, vegetable, horticulture, and tree nut commodities are eligible for CFAP 2 along with honey and maple sap.
    • Fruits – abiu, acerola (Barbados cherry), achachairu, antidesma, apples, apricots, aronia (chokeberry), atemoya (custard apple), bananas, blueberries, breadfruit, cacao, caimito, calabaza melon, canary melon, canary seed, caneberries, canistel, cantaloupes, carambola (star fruit), casaba melon, cherimoya (sugar apple), cherries, Chinese bitter melon, citron, citron melon, coconuts, cranberries, crenshaw melon, dates, donqua (winter melon), durian, elderberries, figs, genip, gooseberries, grapefruit, grapes, ground cherry, guamabana (soursop), guava, guavaberry, honeyberries, honeydew, huckleberries, Israel melons, jack fruit, jujube, juneberries, kiwiberry, kiwifruit, Korean golden melon, kumquats, langsat, lemons, limequats, limes, longan, loquats, lychee, mangos, mangosteen, mayhaw berries, mesple, mulberries, nectarines, oranges, papaya, passion fruits, pawpaw, peaches, pears, pineapple, pitaya (dragon fruit), plantain, plumcots, plums, pomegranates, prunes, pummelo, raisins, rambutan, sapodilla, sapote, schizandra berries, sprite melon, star gooseberry, strawberries, tangelos, tangerines, tangors, wampee, watermelon, wax jamboo fruit, and wolfberry (goji).
    • Honey
    • Horticulture – anise, basil, cassava, chervil (Fresh parsley), chia, chicory (radicchio), cilantro, cinnamon, curry leaves, galangal, ginger, ginseng, guayule, herbs, hops, lotus root, marjoram, meadowfoam, mint, moringa, niger seed, oregano, parsley, pennycress, peppermint, pohole, psyllium, rosemary, sage, savory, shrubs (forbs), sorrel, spearmint, tangos, tea, thyme, turmeric, vanilla, wasabi, water cress, and yu cha.
    • Maple sap
    • Tree Nuts – almonds, avocados, carob, cashew, chestnuts, coffee, hazel nuts, jojoba, macadamia nuts, noni, olives, pecans, persimmons, pine nuts, pistachios, quinces, and walnuts.
    • Turfgrass Sod
    • Vegetables – alfalfa sprouts, aloe vera, artichokes, arugula (greens), asparagus, bamboo shoots, batatas, bean sprouts, beans (including dry edible), beets, bok choy, broccoflower, broccoli, broccolini, broccolo-cavalo, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, calaloo, carrots, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chickpea (see beans, garbanzo), chives, collard greens, coriander, corn, sweet, cucumbers, daikon, dandelion greens, dasheen (taro root, malanga), dill, eggplant, endive, escarole, frisee, gailan (gai lein, Chinese broccoli), garlic, gourds, greens, horseradish, Jerusalem artichokes (sunchoke), kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lentils, lettuce, melongene, mesclun mix, microgreens, mushrooms, okra, onions, parsnip, peas (including dry edible), pejibaye (heart of palm), peppers, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, radicchio, radishes, rhubarb, rutabaga, salsify (oyster plant), scallions, seed - vegetable, shallots, spinach, squash, swiss chard, tannier, taro, tomatillos, tomatoes, truffles, turnip top (greens), turnips, yam, and yautia (malanga).
  • Specialty Livestock: Animals commercially raised for food, fur, fiber, or feathers, and includes alpacas, bison, buffalo, beefalo, deer, ducks, elk, emus, geese, goats, guinea pigs, llamas, mink (including pelts), mohair, ostrich, pheasants, quail, rabbits, reindeer, turkey, water buffalo, and yak. Breeding stock are not eligible for CFAP 2.
  • Tobacco
  • Wool

Livestock and Poultry Produced Under Contract

The following commodities produced under contract are eligible for CFAP 2:

  • Broilers
  • Pullets
  • Layers
  • Turkeys
  • Hogs and Pigs
  • Ducks
  • Geese
  • Pheasants
  • Quail
  • Eggs of all eligible poultry produced under contract
  • Breeding stock of all eligible livestock raised under contract 


Ineligible Commodities for CFAP 2

Commodities not eligible for CFAP 2 include:

  • Hay, except for alfalfa, and crops intended for grazing.
  • All equine, breeding stock not raised by contract producers, companion or comfort animals, pets, and animals raised for hunting or game purposes.
  • Birdsfoot and trefoil, clover, cover crop, fallow, forage soybeans, forage sorghum, gardens (commercial and home), grass, kochia (prostrata), lespedeza, milkweed, mixed forage, pelts (excluding mink), perennial peanuts, pollinators, sunn hemp, vetch, and seed of ineligible crops other than grass seed.


Additional CFAP Information

Visit for more information on the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, including eligible commodities, producer eligibility, payment limitations and structure, and the latest program resources.

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