
USDA Migratory Big Game Initiative

USDA is expanding its partnership to support the voluntary conservation of private working lands and migratory big game populations in Wyoming to also include Idaho and Montana.

USDA is now accepting applications from agricultural producers in Wyoming, Idaho and Montana for assistance through the USDA Migratory Big Game Initiative. Signups are open for opportunities through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP), and Grassland Conservation Reserve Program (Grassland CRP).

Conservation Programs

USDA is supporting this initiative with a focused application of the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP), Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), and Grassland Conservation Reserve Program (Grassland CRP):

  • ACEP assists producers who want to protect sensitive landscapes and prime farmlands from conversion to non-compatible land uses such as residential subdivision through establishment of long-term conservation easements.
  • EQIP focuses on integrating practices on working lands, such as prescribed grazing systems, wildlife-friendly fencing, and cheatgrass control.
  • Grassland CRP is used to provide participating landowners with 10- or 15-year contracts in exchange for continued management of sustainable grassland habitats.

USDA has expanded compatibility among these programs to streamline delivery to farmers and ranchers and will continue to do so.

Project Location

The initiative is open to producers statewide in Wyoming, Idaho and Montana, but there are several priority areas where big game migrations are known to be prevalent. Contact your local USDA Service Center to discuss how your property aligns with these priority areas.

How to Apply

NRCS accepts applications year-round, but producers should apply by their state's ranking dates to be considered for funding in the current cycle. Funding is provided through a competitive process. If you apply after the program ranking date, NRCS will automatically consider your application during future funding cycles.

Grassland CRP
Wyoming producers interested in Grassland CRP should contact their local USDA Service Center.

To apply or learn more, contact your local USDA Service Center.

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