Farming involves risk. Growers regularly face weather challenges; storms can decimate a crop. Market volatility for their crops can be just as disruptive to a grower’s operation.
“We farm because it's in our blood, and we love it, but it's not always easy,” said Eric Borton of Borton and Sons Fruit in Yakima, Washington, which ships their apples all over the world. “There are tons of challenges and potential risks. We were able to work with USDA and find ways to insure our crop and protect ourselves.”
Lacey Menasco, the Deputy Director for the USDA Risk Management Agency’s (RMA) Regional Office in Spokane, Washington, explained that crop insurance puts a safety net under farm income. RMA is the government agency that oversees crop insurance. “It’s a risk management tool that ensures the survival of the farm into the future,” said Menasco.
Crop insurance protects producers from Mother Nature: events like freeze, frost, droughts, pests, and wildlife. Depending on the policy you purchase, it can also protect against a loss of revenue when there's a decline in price.
“What’s unique about crop insurance is that the premium is subsidized by the federal government, making the policies affordable. The end goal is to make sure that producers have policies that work for them and provide the right amount of coverage in their time of need,” added Menasco. “We work with producers and crop insurance companies to make sure everything fits the producer’s need. And that it's also free of fraud, waste, and abuse. “

Whole-Farm Revenue Protection is a good option for producers looking to protect their income based on their historical production. “Our apple policy is based on their historic yields or production, not based on revenue,” said Menasco. “So, by purchasing the Whole-Farm Revenue Protection, they're protecting themselves against price fluctuations.”
Menasco said an important difference between crop insurance and other USDA programs is that a producer must go to a local crop insurance agent to purchase crop insurance. Nonetheless, it’s always a good idea to visit your local USDA Service Center to learn about other programs.
“If you have crops that maybe aren't insurable, the Farm Service Agency has programs for non-insured crops. Check in with FSA and NRCS to see what programs might be available for you,” advised Menasco.

Borton likes the partnership that USDA has brought to the farming community. “As farmers, we bring a product to market that families across the nation can enjoy. So, being able to partner with USDA so they can guarantee that farmers can stay in business, that we can provide a product to the community, and provide jobs and livelihoods, is something really important. I think it's a great program that we're able to do together,” said Borton.
“It's been great to work with USDA, taking a challenge and creating an opportunity. To be able to go through that with them has been really a seamless process,” said Borton.
A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA Service Centers and online at the RMA Agent Locator. Learn more about crop insurance and the modern farm safety net at or by contacting your RMA Regional Office.